
sunrise-with-man-760278-galleryAs a reminder we are not mental health professionals and do not provide mental health services like counseling. If you think you need mental health services please talk to your school counselor, church leader, or some other trusted adult.

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One of the best ways to help yourself if you know that you are feeling unusually depressed is to talk about it. Whatever is bothering you is most likely a problem that your parents or other trusted adults would like to know about so that they may help you get through it. If you don’t feel like talking to your parents about your feelings, you could talk to another adult like your bishop, close relative, teacher, counselor, or even close friend. A lot of times simply talking about an issue with another person helps you realize that the problem is not too big for you to handle.

However, if you are so down or depressed that you are having suicidal thoughts, you should for sure seek help immediately. Just because you’re seeking help doesn’t mean you’re “crazy.” You’re not!

This is an excellent resource:  Cutting and Self-Harm

Please contact one of the following:

How to help a suicidal person on Facebook and reporting links for other sites

Teen Line: Call 1-310-855-4673 or text “teen” to 839863. They’re open from 6-10 pm PST every night.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-SUICIDE

Your call is completely confidential. You can also go to your local emergency room or call 911 and they can get you the help you need .

Other resources that migh help:

Suicide: Some Things We Know and Some Things We Don’t Ensign, October 1987

So don’t give up! We’re praying for you. Please, keep us at V4V informed.

Remember God loves you very much. And your friends here at V4V love you also-really!

Thanks. Please keep us informed.

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